E-learning, online learning, distance learning, classroom learning, CBT,
ILT:  however you serve it up we'll help you succeed.
Helping education companies teach better and sell more.

Training Marketing

In today's crowded training field, product quality is increasingly a commodity. And shrewd training marketing is frequently the difference between mediocrity and success.

FUSION has the training marketing know-how to help you find a pocket of opportunity in a seemingly saturated training industry niche, discover that breakthrough volume pricing approach, or craft a promotion message that breaks through the clutter.

Project assignments have included:

  • training market determination and segmentation
  • brand identity and competitive positioning
  • pricing and volume purchase agreements
  • customer and prospect database strategies
  • media advertising and sales promotion

Case In Point

When competition is attacking the business you used to own.

This pioneering firm was used to having its way in a field of education they had virtually invented. Unfortunately, their success attracted new market entrants. And before long competition was pounding away at the firm's leadership position and market share.

Clearly training marketing countermeasures were needed and soon.

FUSION began by surveying current and lapsed customers to determine where competitors had made inroads and where their claims had struck a responsive chord. Then we surfaced unmet market needs and areas of dissatisfaction that played to our client's unique strengths and attributes.

The result was a brand identity and competitive positioning approach that allowed our client to carve out an attractive and defendable franchise at their competitors' expense. And plans for driving home the advantage via sharp-edged promotion and media advertising.


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