applesFUSION (tm)
Helping education companies teach better and sell more.










Project Success Stories

New Google campaign flaunts credibility
to triple flow of inquires.

If you want online prospects to identify themselves and invite sales attention, you must first establish trust and credibility.

So, for this committed Google advertiser, we kicked off both their PPC ad and the associated landing page by revealing that they had been endorsed by three leading industry trade associations. Then we flaunted their Fortune 500 reference accounts.

To ensure prospects were serious-minded, we offered a study of industry performance norms as an incentive for responding.

To help separate out the most serious candidates, we developed a vestibule page to capture "optional extra" information and gaive really determined candidates the opportunity to book their own appointment.

As a result, the number of inquiries our client received from their Google campaign tripled.

Customer Service Training
Endorsed by 3 industry standards
bodies. Free service metrics study.

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This landing page and pay-per-click ad emphasized
3rd party acknowledgement of our client's prowess
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This "vestibule page" helped select out the most determined prospects
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FUSION dot 31 Atkinson Lane dotSudbury, MA 01776
PH: (978) 460-1539